US defence chief: World ‘nowhere close’ to existential AI threat

Estimated read time 7 min read

At one of the world’s largest arms fairs, the Pentagon’s head of artificial intelligence, Dr. Craig Martell, debunked the notion that AI poses an existential threat. He emphasized that AI is far from reaching the stage where it could become a serious danger. Martell clarified that AI is not a magical solution or a Pandora’s Box, but rather a tool that relies on past data to predict the future. However, he also acknowledged the potential of AI in improving military capabilities, particularly with the overwhelming volumes of data collected from satellites and drones. While arms firms tout AI as a tool for giving commanders an edge, Martell insisted that human decision-making should always remain a key component in deploying AI systems.

Despite the Pentagon’s dismissal of AI hype, there is a growing recognition of the importance of machine intelligence in the future of warfare. With China investing in military applications of AI and Russia having an early start, there is an underlying concern about a potential arms race. Even though the idea of a race may be too strong, the impact that AI could have is a significant factor. To address this, the Pentagon has launched a program to evaluate AI tools and recognizes the need for good data to make AI effective. While the true potential of AI is yet to be fully realized, it is clear that machine intelligence has the potential to redefine supremacy in future conflicts and change the dynamics of warfare.

US defence chief: World ‘nowhere close’ to existential AI threat

US defence chief: World nowhere close to existential AI threat


In a recent interview with Sky News, Dr. Craig Martell, the Pentagon’s head of artificial intelligence (AI), stated that the world is “nowhere close” to facing an existential AI threat. Dr. Martell, who was attending the Defence and Security Equipment International arms fair in London, emphasized that AI should not be seen as a singular technology that guarantees success or poses a danger. Rather, AI systems rely on data from the past to build models and make predictions about the future. However, in the chaotic and unpredictable environment of warfare, the effectiveness of AI may be limited. This article will explore the perspective of Dr. Martell on AI in the military, its potential role in warfare, and the importance of commanders in decision-making.

The Perspective of Dr. Craig Martell

According to Dr. Martell, AI is often misunderstood and misrepresented. It is not a panacea or a Pandora’s Box, but rather a tool that utilizes historical data to make predictions. The effectiveness of AI hinges on the accuracy and relevance of the data it receives. In the context of warfare, where conditions can change rapidly and unpredictably, AI may not always be able to adapt and make optimal decisions. Dr. Martell believes that human commanders will continue to play a crucial role in decision-making and the deployment of AI systems.

AI in the Military

The use of AI in the military is becoming increasingly prevalent. Weapons are becoming more autonomous, and the influx of data from satellites and drones provides opportunities for AI to enhance military operations. However, Dr. Martell suggests that AI should be seen as a tool to give commanders an edge rather than a replacement for human decision-making. By analyzing large volumes of data and identifying suspicious activities, AI can assist commanders in making informed decisions and improving situational awareness on the battlefield.

AI in Warfare

The integration of AI into warfare raises the question of whether AI systems should be entrusted with making life and death decisions. Dr. Martell firmly believes that human commanders should always retain the authority to make these decisions. While the use of AI in identifying targets or analyzing threats can be valuable, ultimate command and responsibility should rest with human decision-makers.

The Role of Commanders

The importance of human commanders in military decision-making cannot be overstated. No matter how advanced AI becomes, it cannot replace the judgment, experience, and moral considerations that human commanders bring to the table. Commanders are responsible for assessing the larger strategic objectives, considering the ethical implications of their decisions, and assessing the risk to the lives of soldiers and civilians. AI can provide support and analysis, but the final decision should always rest with human leaders.

International AI Competition

The field of AI in the military is not limited to the United States. China and Russia have also shown interest in developing military applications of AI. Although Dr. Martell does not believe that there is an arms race in AI development, he acknowledges the impact that these advancements could have on future warfare. Rather than thinking of it as a race, he suggests that the focus should be on understanding the potential impacts and ensuring that appropriate measures are in place to address any potential threats.

Pressure on the Pentagon

The Pentagon is facing pressure from Congress to effectively harness AI technology. Recognizing the importance of AI in future military operations, the Pentagon has launched a program aimed at evaluating AI tools. Dr. Martell emphasizes that models and algorithms are useless without good data. The success of AI systems depends on having access to curated, labeled, and relevant data. The Pentagon’s program seeks to address this by ensuring that AI is not only advanced technologically but also supported by high-quality data.

The Importance of Data

Data is the lifeblood of AI systems. Without access to accurate and relevant data, AI algorithms cannot provide meaningful insights. The Pentagon’s focus on evaluating AI tools includes an emphasis on data management and curation. Dr. Martell believes that getting the data right will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of AI in the military. He predicts that with the availability of high-quality data, the military will be able to achieve significant advancements in AI capabilities.

Future Capabilities of AI

Despite his reservations about AI’s current limitations, Dr. Martell acknowledges that recent advancements in AI have shown promising capabilities. As technologies continue to improve and data management becomes more effective, AI is expected to provide even greater support to military operations. The ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data in real-time can enhance decision-making, improve strategic planning, and minimize risks to personnel.

Machine Intelligence and Supremacy

While Dr. Martell dismisses the notion of an existential AI threat, he recognizes that access to machine intelligence will define supremacy in future conflicts and potentially change the way wars are fought and won. The integration of AI into military operations has the potential to significantly alter the landscape of warfare, providing advantages in areas such as intelligence gathering, targeting, and logistics. However, he cautions against overhyping AI and emphasizes the need for careful consideration of its ethical implications and potential risks.


Dr. Craig Martell, the Pentagon’s head of artificial intelligence, believes that the world is currently “nowhere close” to facing an existential AI threat. While AI has the potential to enhance military capabilities, it is not a replacement for human decision-making. Human commanders will continue to play a vital role in assessing strategic objectives, making ethical considerations, and ensuring the responsible use of AI in warfare. The success of AI systems relies on the availability of accurate and relevant data, and the Pentagon is working to address this through its evaluation program. As AI technology continues to evolve, military operations are expected to benefit from advancements in situational awareness, decision-making, and risk mitigation. However, careful consideration must be given to the ethical implications and potential risks associated with the integration of AI into military operations.


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